Medium Post 5Propaganda has always been an interesting subject to study when analyzing any conflict. Propaganda tends to paint the home side as a…Jul 28, 20214Jul 28, 20214
Who is responsible for what?According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, being complicit is the act of helping to commit a crime or do wrong in some way. In order to…Jul 23, 20216Jul 23, 20216
On the 1923 Massacre of KoreansThe post World War 1 economy of Japan was a bit complicated to say the least, as Young elaborates in Beyond the Metropolis: Second cities…Jul 15, 20211Jul 15, 20211
In the shoes of an Ainu person.Throughout human history, a staple of expansion of empires has been the oppression of indigenous people. Ainu people were not the exception…Jul 7, 20218Jul 7, 20218